PDF-Download Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last

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Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last

Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last

Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last

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Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Rabbi Lau is one of the world's most revered and charismatic Jewish leaders. Lau was born in 1937 in Poland, the son of his town's last Chief Rabbi. He served as the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1993 to 2003. Currently, he is Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and Chairman of Yad Vashem--Israel's official memorial organization to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In 2005, Lau was awarded the Israel Prize (the country's highest honor) for his lifetime achievements and special contribution to society and the State of Israel.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 400 Seiten

Verlag: Sterling Publishing; Auflage: Translation (1. November 2011)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 140278631X

ISBN-13: 978-1402786310

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 3,3 x 24,6 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 340.697 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Mir wurde das Buch von einer Bekannten empfohlen, die sehr offen mit ihrer orthodoxen Lebensweise umgeht und regelmäßig darüber blogt oder Videos verfasst, was leider noch zu selten ist im orthodoxen Judentum, auch gerade als Frau, die sie ist.Das Buch erzählt Israel Meir Laus Lebens- und Überlebensgeschichte von seinen ersten Momenten an die er sich erinnert, über die Schrecken der Shoa, die er in vielfältiger Weise miterleiden musste bis hin zu seiner Rettung, dem Weg nach Israel und dem langjährigen Yeshiva-Studium dort.Der geneigte Leser wird merken, dass Lau sehr vielen Personen der Zeitgeschichte und des Judentums begegnet, die man selbst vielleicht kennt - sei es persönlich oder zumindestens dem Namen nach. Auch sein Weg, als völlig unbedarfter Jid hin zu einem der angesehensten Persönlichkeiten und Vertreter des aschkenasischem Judentums ist schier beeindruckend.Manchmal neigt Lau dazu Zeitsprünge in die Zukunft bzw. nahe Gegenwart zu machen, gerade dann, wenn er Menschen später begegnet, die ihn oder seinen Vater kannten.Im Buch befinden sich zudem teilweise private Fotos von ihm oder Presseartikeln bzw. Fotografien die ihm zur Verfügung gestellt wurden.Ich hatte sehr viel Freude beim Lesen des Buches, da seine Schreibweise, trotz der englischen Übersetzung sehr klar strukturiert, präzise und immer mit einer kleinen Weisheit des Lebens daher kommt. Auch wenn wie schon eingangs erwähnt, auch sehr dunkle Kapitel sich in diesem Buch befinden und oft nochmals in späterem Verlauf zu Tage kommen, ist das Buch eines der besten Biographien, die man in der Gegenwart geschrieben hat.

A more fitting subtitle would be: Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child Orphan of Buchenwald Who Laid Down The Rifle To Spread Light And Love!This heart wrenching saga of the orphan featured on the cover, holding in addition to all of his lifelong possessions in a tiny little suitcase, a rifle presented to him by a kindhearted American soldier, to fulfill his 8 year old wish of exacting vengeance on the German beasts who decimated his entire world, along with his father and mother, who went on in life to exact a far greater and eternal revenge rebuilding his life and nation. His life's work spreading love, not hate, blazed light into the darkness of his past, illuminating the entire world. His accomplishments as a spiritual mentor, visiting the hurt and sick, comforting the bereaved, confronting endless terror with a message of hope and love is staggering.This remarkable book, like it's author is multifaceted - there are so many diverse lessons to be learned from it! It is a tribute to the human spirit - a meteoric rise out of the ashes of the holocaust. It is something non-Jews cannot ever fathom; what is this network which enabled a orphan of both parents, reach the heights of the rabbinate, Chief Rabbi of Israel! It is also a tribute to his extraordinary teachers who sacrificed their lives for their ideals, in poverty and seeming squalor, with the conviction that they were raising a new generation. They were fully aware of the importance of education, with each child judged solely on his abilities. Here is a glowing testimony to the secret of Jewish survival, and its' true leaders.Each and every survivor is his own hero, and the incredible commitment of the older brother to the murdered father should be a profound source of comfort to all parents.In it is to be found many, many powerful stories, culled from a lifelong tending to his flock of an amazing pastor.May the Almighty grant him strength to continue his heartfelt, compassionate and inspiring path.

I am not Jewish and first heard about Rabbi Lau in a recent New York Times article about the death of New York Rabbi Herschel Schacter and how in 1944 he had been part of the liberation of Buchenwald and had found this 7-year-old survivor who eventually became Chief Rabbi in Israel. My interest was further aroused when they mentioned that Elie Wiesel had been in Buchenwald with him and had written a foreword to the new book by Rabbi Lau. I have been haunted by Wiesel since first reading his books in the late 1960s, and so I ordered Rabbi Lau's book.The first part which covers the terrible part of his young life during the Holocaust is very powerful reading as is his journey and early life in Eretz Israel. It gives sort of an "inside" history of how the early days of the Jewish state were experienced by a young Jewish survivor. The second part of the book is not as interesting - sort of a listing of all the things he has done as Chief Rabbi and all the people he has met. He gives us lots of touching stories and lots of sermons. It does give insights into Judaism for a non-Jew like me, but keep in mind that the whole book is a faith testimony by a deeply religious man who sees everything in light of his beliefs. For him the State of Israel is God's will and everything and everyone who opposes it is ignorant or evil. He does not hesitate to lecture presidents or popes! I enjoyed reading about some of his encounters with other Jewish figures, particularly other well-known rabbis.Even for those who don't fully share his religious beliefs, the first part of the book is very powerful. After I finished it I went back and reread Wiesel's foreword and enjoyed it even more.Footnote: the print is quite small; some of the pictures were quite touching.

This is a poignant and beautifully written memoir by Israel Meir Lau, born into a family with a distinguished rabbinic history reaching back 38 generations. Lau was only 5 years old in 1942 when the Nazis blasted into his town in Poland. His father, the town's rabbi, was selected for public beating and humiliation, in front of his family, before being taken to a death camp and murdered.Astonishingly, little Israel ("Lulek" to his family), despite his small size (even for his age) manages to survive the horrors of Buchenwald, thanks to ongoing life-risking efforts by his much older brother, Naftali. Lau is one of the youngest children to have survived this hell on earth, and just as astonishingly, grows from this harsh orphanhood to become the Chief Rabbi first of Tel Aviv and then of the State of Israel.Arriving in Israel with his brother, who had been charged by their father to do everything he possibly could to safeguard little Lulek and who did so with a degree of self-sacrifice and risk that is hard to fathom, Lulek becomes Israel, living with an aunt and uncle and trying to create the first semblance of a normal life -- as normal as could be given his parents' murders by the Nazis and the ripping apart of his family life.Rabbi Lau clearly inherited his late father's gift for oration, and manages to overcome the emotional trauma to become an invaluable and wise leader of the Jewish people. In the last chapters, it is especially affecting to read about Chief Rabbi Lau's friendships with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, as well as world leaders ranging from Fidel Castro, Desmond Tutu, King Hussein of Jordan, and Pope John Paul II, and more.It is a deeply inspiring and moving book.

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Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last PDF

Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last PDF
Out of the Depths: The Story of a Child of Buchenwald Who Returned Home at Last PDF

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